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Become a Member


Individual Membership - €20/year

Ordinary membership is open to anyone with an interest in indigenous and rare breeds. The benefits of membership include becoming involved in an organization dedicated to ensuring the survival of indigenous breeds of livestock. Ensuring the survival of the broadest diversity of breeds that have evolved in harmony with Irish conditions has many benefits for a historical and cultural dimension as well as providing genetic diversity within farmed livestock while providing a range of breeds that are suited to greater ecological compatibility with sensitive landscapes than is typically the case with modern commercial breeds. Membership confers the right to attend the societies’ Annual General Meeting as well as free entry to society hosted events.

Society Affitation Membership - €100/year

All societies representing officially recognized breeds with pedigree registers are entitled to affiliate to the INRBS on an equal basis, equal voting rights and representation at board level. The officers of the board are drawn from the nominees of the individual societies. In addition to societies of officially recognized breeds, groups/societies concerned with currently unrecognized breeds, which have the potential to gain official recognition pending DNA testing are allowed to affiliate at a reduced cost of €40 per year and have the right to nominate representatives to sit on relevant committees